Case Studies

Dubai World Trade Centre Case Study

Time Period: 6 months up to July 2018

Cost Savings: 14.8%

Carbon Savings: 10.1 US Tons Carbon Emissions

Waste Reduction: 1.57 tons of waste prevented from going to landfill


The Dubai World Trade Centre have been using the EcoBurner system for the last three years but savings in this case study are only based on the last six months up until July 2018. Previous to using EcoBurner, they had been using 6-hour wicks but had encountered problems while using them including fuel wastage and safety issues.
As DWTC is the largest catering company in U.A.E, their daily usage varies and is difficult to say but in busy times they use a minimum of 60-70 chafing dishes a day, all of these chafing dishes are being powered by EcoBurner. In the six months up to July 2018, DWTC used a total of 533 cases of EcoBurner fuel.

By switching to EcoBurner instead of using the wicks, in only six months, they’ve saved the environment from a massive 10.1 tons of carbon emissions being released into the atmosphere. Waste was also a big problem for the DWTC before the switch to EcoBurner as it was difficult and costly to dispose of the used wicks that were building up after events. By switching to EcoBurner, DWTC saved 1.57 tons of waste going to landfill as they no longer needed to dispose of used wicks.

‘DWTC decided to switch from wicked fuel to EcoBurner to reduce cost and wastage and increase team and guest safety. Services are reliable and EcoBurner always goes the extra mile to ensure that DWTC receives the best of services’

Vincent Egels, Director Hospitality Operations

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